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Faculty Services & Instructional Support: Academic Integrity

We are dedicated to helping WCU faculty and instructors find resources for their classes and personal research. This guide will highlight resources available through our libraries and show how we can assist you with course offerings.

Academic Integrity & Plagiarism

WCU Academic Integrity Policy

William Carey University seeks to create an environment that encourages continued growth of moral and ethical values, including personal honesty and mutual trust.  The university places high value on academic integrity and regards any act of academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, as a serious offense.  Academic dishonesty is considered unethical and in violation of William Carey University's academic standards and Christian commitment.

Academic Honor Pledge

All students at William Carey University are bound by this pledge:

I promise or affirm that I will not at any time be involved in cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, or any other acts of academic dishonesty as defined by university policy which explains the disciplinary procedure resulting from violations of academic integrity.  I understand that violation of this code will result in penalties, which could include suspension or dismissal from the university. 
The Translation, Student Handbook, p.19

Plagiarism Refresher

According to WCU's Academic Integrity Policy, students suspected of plagiarism must "attend a refresher course on research methods and proper documentation provided by the library."  The student needs to make an appointment with a librarian to view the tutorial in the library during normal working hours.  The librarian will have the student complete our plagiarism tutorial and speak with the student about how to avoid plagiarism in the future, resources are available to them, as well as answer any questions the student may have concerning plagiarism.  A completed form will be given to the referring faculty member and the Office of Academic Affairs.

Questions about the Plagiarism Refresher may be directed to Dee Lumpkin (Hattiesburg) or Hugh Donohoe (Tradition).